Matthew Lease
Associate Professor Lab · Publications |
Datasets & Software (both)
An Thanh Nguyen, Aditya Kharosekar, Aditya Kharosekar, Saumyaa Krishnan, Siddhesh Krishnan, Elizabeth Tate, Byron C. Wallace, and Matthew Lease. Believe it or not: Designing a Human-AI Partnership for Mixed-Initiative Fact-Checking. In Proceedings of the 31st ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium (UIST), pages 189--199, 2018. [ bib | pdf | demo | data | sourcecode | video | slides ]
AAAI 2018 (Nguyen et al.): both
ACL 2017 (Nguyen et al.): both
HCOMP 2017 (Mankar et al.): both
HCOMP 2016 (Nguyen et al.): data & software
HCOMP 2013: SQUARE: open source benchmark for consensus methods for human computation
Datasets (only)
WebCrowd25K (SIGIR 2018 & HCOMP 2018): data
HCOMP 2016 (McDonnell et al.): data
ArabicWeb16 (SIGIR 2016): data
iConference 2015: data
SIGIR 2014: data
ASE 2013: data
NAACL 2010 AMT Workshop: data
ECIR 2009: data
TREC 2008: data
IJCNLP'05: Brown Biomedical Treebank
Shared Task Datasets
HCOMP 2013: CrowdScale
TREC 2011-2013: Crowdsourcing Track
TREC 2010 RF Track: Websearch Relevance Judgments by the Crowd (April 25, 2013)
Software (only)
Md Mustafizur Rahman, Mucahid Kutlu, and Matthew Lease. Constructing Test Collections using Multi-armed Bandits and Active Learning. In Proceedings of the 27th international Web Conference (WWW), pages 3158--3164. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, 2019. [ bib | pdf | sourcecode ]
Brandon Dang, Martin J. Riedl, and Matthew Lease. But Who Protects the Moderators? The Case of Crowdsourced Image Moderation. In 6th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP): Works-in-Progress Track, 2018. 5 pages, peer-reviewed, non-archival. Demo URL updated since publication. [ bib | pdf | demo | blog-post | sourcecode | conference-website | slides ]
TurKPF: TurKontrol as a Particle Filter (2014): paper & source codeSyntactic Parsing
Charniak-BLLIP Parser: Brown NLP Syntactic Constituency Parser (based on Penn Treebank)
IJCNLP 2005: Biomedical version of Charniak Parser